Revealing the Past, Knowing the Present, and Grounding the Future.

Christopher Davey
BSc, MA (Cantab), MA (Lond), PhD (La Trobe)
MAusIMM, MRSV, Mine Manager’s Certificate of Competency
Mobile: +61 (0) 421 595 966
ORCID 0000-0003-1345-8638
Christopher Davey became the honorary director of the Institute in 2002 after retiring from National Australia Bank where he was a project finance executive. He has been responsible for the Institute’s re-establishment in a building leased from La Trobe University. The development of the Institute's catalogues for the library, collection and archives has been a major responsibility and the organisation of accession path documentation for the museum collection is an important achievement.
Chris began his archaeology at St John’s College, Cambridge, where he also read ancient languages. He then continued the study of archaeology and ancient history at the Institute of Archaeology, London. He has excavated in the Middle East, Australia and the United Kingdom; he now digs regularly in Cyprus and Egypt. He has published papers on the history of mining and metallurgy, ancient architecture, maritime archaeology and the history of archaeology. He edits the Institute’s annual journal Buried History.
Employment as an underground miner at Broken Hill, surveyor, engineer, mines inspector, contract design engineer, tertiary lecturer (mining and systems engineering) and international bank executive has given Chris broad perspectives. The interconnections with archaeology and history are many, while in banking these interfaces led to an involvement with environmental issues as they related to the bank's operations and loan book.

Lisa Mawdsley
Collections Manager
BA(Hons), GradDipLibrarianship, BLitt, PhD (Monash)
Mobile: +61 0 449 759 566
Lisa is Egyptologist with a keen interest in relationships between people and the expression of such connections through material culture and mortuary practices. Her primary research interest is centred on Predynastic/ Early Dynastic Egypt. Gender practice and patterns of communication through early writing and pot-marks are key areas of research. Lisa also has an interest in early excavation data; and how such recording activities have shaped our modern interpretations of ancient people and practices.

Margaret Zarifeh
Library Manager

Joanna Richmond
Communications Manager
BA(Hons), MA (Melb)
Joanna was awarded her Bachelor of Arts with Honours from the University of Melbourne in 1999 and went on to complete her Master of Arts in Archaeology in 2005. Her dissertation focused on Early Bronze Age textile production in Anatolia. In particular, she developed a large database of textile tools and implements from across three EBA sites which helped to document the economic development of pre-city states and the division of labour within prehistoric societies.
Jo works as a senior archaeologist for ArchLink Archaeologists and Heritage Advisors in Melbourne and has volunteered her time at the Institute since it moved to its current premises. She created the Institute’s logo, marketing material, website and social media pages and continues to work alongside the Director to keep the website up-to-date with Institute news and current archaeological news from around the world.